Sector: Municipal Services

Engine Company 102 Fire Station

Chicago, Illinois

Globetrotters provided mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection engineering design services for this new 14,000 SF, 1-story masonry fire station located in the Rogers Park neighborhood. The project included surface parking for 32 cars and was situated on a 1.05 acre site.

The building was designed to meet U.S. Green Building Council standards for Gold Certification under LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Environmentally-friendly features of the building include:

  • A thermally efficient design to save energy, with recycled material contributing to the structure.
  • 10 roof-mounted solar panels used to preheat domestic hot water, reducing demand on outside energy sources.
  • Heat bloom (heat island effect) around the building limited through the installation of green and reflective roof surface and light-colored concrete.
  • The use of permeable concrete in alley allows water to pass through it, keeping rain water from sewer system.
  • The use of regionally manufactured materials in the building.