Sector: Telecommunications

State of Illinois Fiber Optic Network


Globetrotters provided project management, planning, design, and construction phase services for an expansion to the State of Illinois Long Haul Fiber Optic Network, compatible with DWDM architecture. Globetrotters was honored for this project an American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois Merit Award.

The Illinois Broadband Opportunity Partnership project constructed more than 1,000 miles of new single mode fiber infrastructure paralleling major highway right-of-ways and utility easements adding to the state’s existing Illinois Century Network (ICN). The backbone cable was installed in five major segments along the state’s transportation system, requiring over 600 permits from local, state, and federal agencies.

The project included performing an Environmental Assessment (EA), which was critical to ensure the project’s eligibility for federal funding.

The Outside Plant design used field collected GPS route information to create construction drawings. The current GIS shape files reflect the as built state of the project as well as other client requested data that was input into a related database.